Another unMykely story

Thursday 6 December 2012 2:05 AM

It’s been some time since I've ruminated in this forum on the mysterium tremendum which is Victoria’s very own Myki. That’s because its all been remarkably quiet and boring on (my) Myki front.
But that’s just changed, upon opening an envelope in today’s post. I had read some time back that as of mid-November a facility would be provided for any outstanding value on Metcards to be transferred to one’s Myki. I remembered this a few days ago whilst on a train, so duly presented myself, my Metcard and my Myki at the Metro Trains booth at Flinders St Station. Yes indeed, came the response, and I could simply arrange it at any ticket window or at any premium station. ‘You beaut’, thought I, and popped along to my local station near home.
Well guess what …. They gave me a form to fill in, which I was then to post (Reply Paid, at least) with the Metcard ticket. The good news is I got a pretty prompt reply in the post, informing me that “arrangements have been made” for a credit of Myki money. (Whoo-hoo!) The bad news (all familiar territory to us longsuffering Myki minions):
1. it will take up to 14 days; 2. I must (for the 57th time at least) present my card to a Myki machine or reader in order to get the $6.56 onto the Myki card; 3. following the above process, if I fail to touch-on again within – yes, you guessed it – 90 days … my $6.56 “will not be added to (my) card and is temporarily suspended”.
The wonder simply continues unabated …..