Reinventing Copenhagen

Wednesday 18 November 2009 1:36 am

Global climate change treaty looking doubtful? Well not to worry. The seas will eventually reclaim all the world's industrial sites, and then it won't matter. But Copenhagen needn't go down as another week of happy snaps and silly clothes. I propose an alternate agenda:

  • sport: some swimming lessons wouldn't go astray. And how about a water polo world cup?
  • trade: a global exchange in rubber life rafts, fishing rods and mosquito repellant.
  • construction: relocate UN headquarters to Quito, Ecuador (altitude 2850 m)
  • military: strengthen naval defences. 3 or 4 life rafts per continent should do it.

Or failing agreement:

  • a new age of discovery: if NASA get their skates on maybe we can find another planet somewhere and start again. (Yeah I know - we'll wreck that one too, but at least it buys us some time ... )