It's politics, Stupid!
Saturday 30 December 2006 2:02 am
Yet again the Exclusive Brethren emblazon the front page (30/12), with a further "Investigation" by Michael Bachelard. Yet another revelation to evoke moral outrage, as indeed such behaviour should. Then we come to paragraph 6, almost as an aside: "The Exclusive Brethren ? has become notorious in recent years for running expensive advertising campaigns for conservative political parties. They have successfully lobbied the federal Coalition Government ? "
How about a bit of transparency from the other side too? Whence this latter day crusade? Is it because we really care about the damage the Exclusive Brethren have doubtlessly inflicted on children, parents, husbands and wives? Then where has our professed moral conscience been hiding for all the decades (at least) whilst this took place? Apart from the odd segment on tabloid "current affairs" programs, sandwiched between shonky builders and celebrity gossip, no one has batted an eyelid.
Not, that is, until the realisation that they might possibly wield some political muscle for the wrong interests. So come on. Is it because they cause human misery? Or is it because they champion traditional morality? Add to that a conservative Christian tag and a vague inference to the PM ... Is it about morals or power? It's politics, Stupid!